Our client is a Nut Milk manufacturer with a conveyor line that can handle up to four packages per minute. The line carries two different products that need to be sorted onto separate pallets in a compact way, with labels visible. Each package weighs 12 kg. The line produces 500 boxes (or 6 tons of product) per hour. 

For health and safety reasons, a worker can only handle up to 1.5 tons per hour. This means that at least four physically strong people are needed in the pallet packing area.

The company aims to automate this process to avoid manual labor, decrease worker exhaustion, and reduce the risk of injuries. They want a speedy implementation that doesn’t need a highly skilled IT professional for installation and upgrades.

To respond to this challenge, the Nut Milk producer needs to enhance efficiency, safety, and productivity. That’s why our Smart All-in-One Cobot-Based Solution for palletizing is the perfect answer. This solution automates the process, reducing manual labor and increasing productivity, while ensuring worker safety. 


Under the brand name TeamRobotics® , TechnoRobotics LTD offers the Nut Milk producer a Smart ‘All-in-One’ Solution for Palletizing. Our comprehensive package includes cobot-based products, service delivery plans, and pricing policies tailored to meet varying customer requirements and budget constraints. With our tiered package structure, we ensure a perfect fit for the Nut Milk needs in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Our solution is SIMPLE. It’s a ready-to-install “box” that comes pre-fitted with a cobot, electronics, pneumatics, and software.

To respond to the customer’s request, we offer the solution that requires no programming skills at all, replacing manual input with a comprehensive computer. Just input the parameters of your production process, such as box weight, dimensions, conveyor capacity, and shop floor layout, Our AI-powered solution will then calculate the most efficient production process scheme down to the minutest details.

Once the customer approves the computer simulation, the cobot’s actions are set, exemplifying a true cyber-physical system in operation.

It takes up to 5 days to train the operator and integrate the solution to the manufacturing environment.


Our Smart All-in-One Solution for Palletizing is not just about improving efficiency, it’s about creating a safer, more inclusive, and equitable work environment for everyone. 

Our solution is not just straightforward to use but also highly EFFICIENT. We have designed the system so that one cobot replaces the work of 4 employees in a single shift, and up to 8 employees over two shifts. This has led to a significant increase in productivity.

Our system is also capable of sorting two different products onto separate pallets in the most compact manner possible, while ensuring the labels are always visible.

Absolutely, by automating strenuous and repetitive tasks such as palletizing, we are able to improve productivity while also enhancing worker safety. This shift in labor allows workers to move into higher-skilled roles that are less physically demanding, opening up new opportunities to a more diverse range of people, including women, promoting gender equality in the workplace.


4 workers / 1 line = 4 operations

1 operator/1 cobot/ 1 line = 4 operations

1 operator/2 cobots/ 4 lines=16 operations

Labor Efficiency

TeamRobotics® Smart ‘All-in-One’ Solution for Palletizing can manage multiple conveyors (up to four) simultaneously and adapt to the customer’s existing setup. With these advancements, the customer is able to reduce labor costs, improve safety, and maintain high levels of productivity. Based on the pilot’s results, the Nut Milk producer will consider expanding the use of this cobotic solution to more conveyor lines.

We’ve priced our palletizing solution competitively.

The total cost of ownership, encompassing the initial purchase price, installation, and training, starts at 72,000 euros for the C10 model. Please note, the final cost may vary depending on the specific configuration chosen to best fit your needs.

Plus, given its ability to service multiple stations simultaneously and operate round-the-clock, you can expect a payback period as short as 12-16 months or even less.

Get in touch

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ontact us, and we will provide to you all the information.

Founder&CEO, Technored – robotics
CEO, KAMI Group – industrial machinery and automation.

– MS in Automation of technological and manufacturing processes from Moscow State Industrial University
– Stanford University – Leadership and Design Thinking Program

Chief Strategy Officer,
Deputy CEO of Rosatom Trading & Mining Divisions.
Chief Non-Financial Risk Officer,
Non-Financial Risk Manager,
Sustainability Reporting Program Director
Executive Director,
Institute for Urban Economics.  

– MS in Industrial Automation and PhD in Economics from State University of Management, Russia.
– Graduate Center, CUNY – Fellowship, Senior Fellowship.

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